title here

Friday, December 31, 2010
once you've been tagged, you supposed to write a note with 100 truth about you. at the end choose 25 people to be tagged.
tagged means : i'm interested in knowing what your 100 truth are.
sounds scary rite?


1. Real name : Muhammad Fadzli bin Zulkifili
2. Nickname :cipi, bele
3. Zodiac sign : Libra
4. Male or female : male
5. Elementary school :Sekolah Kebangsaan Kajang
6. High school :MRSM KKB
7. College : Kolej Matrikulasi Johor
8. Hair colour : Black
9. Tall or short : Normal
10. Sweat or jeans :Jeans
11. Phone or camera : Phone...tp sbnrnye xpenah kisah pun due2 tu
12. Health freak : ape mksd itu?
13. Orange or apple : Orange
14. Do you have a crush on someone :Haah
15. Eat or drink : Eat
16. Piercings :Weh nak plugs + kat dagu + kening
17.Pepsi or coke : pepsi

Have you ever ?

18. Been in an airplain : pernah tp xfly..
19. Been in relationship : haah
20. Been in car accident :xkot...
21. Been in fist fight : time f3 wooop

First and last :

22. First household chores : xigt
23. First best friend : hafiz abdul karim
24. First award : darjah 1..dpt no 4 pun dpt hadiah
25. First crush : haaa xigt
26. First word : uwekkk nangis
27. First section : xphm
28. Last person you talked in phone : ramona. eh diana
29. Last person you text :diana
30. Last person you watched a movie with : sorg?
31. Last food you ate :prun asam
32. Last movie you watched : scott pilgrim kali ke -4
34. Last song you listen to : hot n cold katy perry
35. Last thing you bought : topup?
36. Last person you hugged : kakak kot

Favourite :

37. Food : ak mcm suke semua la sbnrnye....
38. Drink : pape pun sedap
39. Bottoms : tight pants tu bottoms ke?
40. Flowers : Ramona Flowers!
41. Animal : wolves
42. Colour : merah, hitam. pape je
43. Movie : scott la skang nih
44. Subject : nak xnak ak kne ske java gak

Put an X in the bracket if say Yes.

45. Celebrate halloween [ ]
46. Had heart broken [ X ]
47. Had someone questions my sexual orientation [X ]
48. Got pregnant [ ]
49. Had an abortion [ ]
50. Did something i regret [ X ]
51. Broken a promise [ X ]
52. Hide a secret [ X ]
53. Pretend to be happy [ X ]
54. Met someone who changed your life [ X ]
55. Pretend to be sick [X  ]
56. Left the country [ ]
57. Try something you normally wouldn' try and like it [ X ]
58. Cried over the silliest thing [ X ]
59. When to the beach with your best friend [X ]
60. Got into an argument with your best friend [ X ]
61. Hated someone [ X ]
62. Single for a whole year [ X ]

Currently :

63. Eating : tak
64. Drinking : tak
65. Listening to : fingerprints -katy perry
66. Sitting or laying : Sitting
67. Plan for today :igt nak kuar tp xjadi. tido2 main dota
68. Waiting : waiting on thee world to change hahahaa

Your future :

69. Want kids : yeah
70. Want to get married : klo nak anak kne la kahwin = =
71. Career : xpikir lg

Which is more attractive (choose one) :

72. Lips or eyes : lips
73. Shorter or taller : pendek sket
74. Romantic or spontaneous : spontaneous
75. Nice stomach or nice arms : stomach
76. Hook-up or relationship : Relationship.
77. Looks or personality : Personality.

Have you ever :

78. Lost glasses/contacts : bnyk kali
79. Snuck out of a house : tak kot
80. Held a gun/knife for a defense : ngga'
81. Killed somebody : almost
82. Broken somebody heart : mak
83. Been in love : penah
84. Cried when someoned died : xsure

Do you believe in :

85. Yourself : time main game je
86. Miracles : haah time PMR dpt 8a
87. Love at first sight : hooo ade la kot
88. Heaven : yeah
89. Santa claus : X
90. Superstition : mcm x tp mesti la ade kn ckp org2 tua
91. Kiss on the first date : no comment

Truthfully :

92. Is there one person you want to be with right now ? haah.
93. Do you know who your real friends are ? kot
94. Do you believe in god ?haah
95. Post at 100 % truth ?haaa mesti lah

5 more ?

96. jap lg nak anta adik kat kedah
97. ble nak jumpe ko nih diana?
98. na na na
99. nak jadi mcm scott pilgrim haaa tp sah2 x realistik gle kn
100. arakawa under the bridge

haaa bace2. nak tag galuk tasha dah tu je. klo korg bace la tp ak tau korg xtgk pun

Day 15 - The person you miss the most

Thursday, December 30, 2010

brape hari je lg...lek ah

Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from

Monday, December 27, 2010
heh. ak pun xtau sape. tp for sure ramai la kn. kawn2 skolah rendah. kawn2 matrik. sume sebab lame gile xkontek. lame gle walaupun ade je facebook sorang tp saje malas nak ngepos kat wall masing2 pastu ckp drifted away from them lak == bruk gle perangai. tp memang perangai truk nak buat camne. incorrigible eh? hehehe

Day 13 - A recipe

Sunday, December 26, 2010
Diana take note hahaha

10 pieces drumsticks (chop into 2 pieces each)
3 star aniseeds
1 sprig stick cinnamon
1 small can tomato puree or 1 cup
2 tbsp homemade sambal belacan paste
1 can coconut milk (400ml)
2 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp chicken bouillon powder
2 tbsp cooking oil

1:Wash and cut drumsticks into 2 small pieces each,then drain and set aside.
2:Heat medium large non-stick pot or wok at high heat with cooking oil,star aniseed's,cinnamon and homemade sambal belacan paste ,then add in cut chicken,coconut milk,seasoning and tomato puree.
3:Simmer the chicken at medium heat about 30 minutes or longer or until cooked .The liquid must become thickness like gravy,then it's ready.
4:Check the seasoning and remove from heat.
5:Serve warm with rice ,bread or noodle.

Day 12 - The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain

Friday, December 24, 2010
Saje nak bgthu awal2, ak rase ak memang xkan dapt siapkn ni bile dah bukak skolah U pun. sah sah la kan sebab ak memang cukup malas nak menulis. lagi2 bab org yg benci2 nih. haih.

ak xske tulis bkn ape. sbb ak rase ak pemaaf kot hahahaha. xdela org yang ak benci gle2 smpi skang. ak benci pun kejap2 je sebab ak nanti lame2 sket dah lupe. slalu la mcm tu. tp ak paham la ramai yg benci ak dlu sbb ske bt dajal kat org ==

p/s: pemaafkah aku?

Day 11 — Your favourite picture

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

hohoho time ni 30/12/2007. bgn tido ayah kejut. sarung baju sape2 ntah trus g breakfast kat cyber. semua orang dalam gmbr ni pun same. buruk gle tp gmbr mcm mengingat kepada mase muda2 dlu. haish. ade rindu sket zaman2 kecik.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
MGMT - The Youth

This is a call of arms to live and love and sleep together
We could flood the streets with love or light or heat whatever
Lock the parents out, cut a rug, twist and shout
Wave your hands
Make it rain
For stars will rise again

The youth is starting to change
Are you starting to change?
Are you?

In a couple of years
Tides have turned from boos to cheers
And in spite of the weather
We could learn to make it together

The youth is starting to change
Are you starting to change?
Are you?

The youth

Day 10 - Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to

kesemua lecturer ak. ak mmg malas sgt nk tanye walaupun nak tanye sangat sbb xpaham. last skali tanye panda je...

Day 9 - Someone you wish you could meet

Saturday, December 18, 2010
oh ramai
band2 favoriteku - 1 band dah 5 org, 2band dah 10, klo nk jumpe rabbani ade 8 org, slipknot 9 orang, haaa kan ramai

haaa sape2 je la yang nk jumpe ak

25 random things tp jadi 50 plak

Friday, December 17, 2010
Diana suruh. tapi die ckp kat komen ngan fb chat je

1. gle game
2. main blog ni sbb gf die
3. bru tau result exam td
4. skang ni tgh lapa
5. ske rambut panjang2
6. tringin nak jadi mafia lepas main Mafia 2
7. tringin nak main ragbi btul2 gak
8. slalu je kne marah ngan parents
9. lesen ade tp xreti drive sbb da lame tinggal
10. rindu member mrsm
11. oh ske dgr lagu gak
12. xnak ramai yang tau pasal blog ni. sbb tu xfolo ramai org
13. rase2nye saye ni pandai jage rahsia
14. dari mrsm mmg selalu tido dlm kelas. tp dah kat U ni tido time boring je.
15. slalu post random song lyrics kat fb
16. da lame xmkn kfc
17. dlu paranoid tp dah x
18. nak buat fixed gear sendiri
19. ske tgk movie tp mase bnyk habes kat gaming
20. stop main game klo ade spongebob kat tv
21. <33 diana
22. tido atas sofa kat ruang tamu
23. slalu buat keje xabes
24. minat gle kat internet
25. all this random is not random enough
26. xkn tuka henset sampai henset tu btul2 rosak
27. tertarik dengan bau biskut
28. tgh dengar puisi buat ayahanda
29. tangan penuh bintik after kjr
30. haaa penah keje 6 bulan kat cc
31. xske bos die
32. darah a- xsilap
33. berat 55 gitu
33. tggi ntah. lame sgt xukur
34. xberapa boleh diharap
35. skema
36. pakai spek since form 1
37. slalu kne aim ngan warden klo ade pape kes ==
38. mase interview kjr ritu, die tanye biodata org g cite pasal makann kegemaran lak
39. ske nasi goreng ayam
40. ske bace teori konspirasi
41. pernah minat ngan hitler satu mase dlu tp mcm dah x sgt dah
42. ske tgk movie Brad Pitt xpun movie yang twisted sket ending die
43. second date aritu seminggu di hutan
44. klo dah baring tu sket lg konfem tetido
45. oh dpt hadiah jam kakak bagi for birthday
46. rase cool gle tgk perompak2 in ski mask
47. binatang favorite = serigala
48. band kegemaran = Taking Back Sunday ngan Dance Gavin Dance
49. slalu xdapt ape yang die nak
50. every thought a thought of u

Day 8 - My favourite internet friend

hahahha ade ke favourite internet friend? slalu chatting ngan Kasem je la sebab kitorang satu kepala sket bab2 internet ni. all the memes and whatsoever. klo ckp sume tu ngan kacap ngan waka diorg xphm pun. jap lg ak yg kne balik ...ckp u raff u ruse pun xtau...hadoi...

Day 7 - Your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Haa dah hari ke - 7. dan tajuk die kali ni mcm kontroversi je == hahaha

Ape yang nak diceritakan? ok ak cite ape yang ak igt je la kn.

Die buat surprise hahaha. ade kek and all. untuk ape xtau but it was nice. hehe. tp pastu tgh makan2 ttbe je kne blah sbb budak2 surau xkasi dating dalam KMJ.
Pastu last time ak jumpe die kat UUM tempat die study before we break a few weeks later atas sebab2 yang memang xde tp apehal ntah ak macam saje mencari sebab. hah dah xingat.

Tp seriously, sape yang nk igt bende camnikn? lgpun dah lame dah. around 2009 something. ak pun dah xsure ble. lgpun sume tu dah xpenting...ak ade Diana wahaha ok poyo gle ak mcm ak sorang je makwe ==


Day 6 - A stranger

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
stranger...ape yang ak nak tulis selain....

according to www.thefreedictionary.com
1. One who is neither a friend nor an acquaintance.
2. A foreigner, newcomer, or outsider.
3. One who is unaccustomed to or unacquainted with something specified; a novice: a stranger to our language; no stranger to hardship.
4. A visitor or guest.
5. Law One that is neither privy nor party to a title, act, or contract.

Sorry I don't know a stranger. So here's a drawing I made for you


Day 5 - Quotes

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis

this guy is sick. u should watch the movie.
and oh here's another from him

Fuck damnation, man! Fuck redemption! We are God's unwanted children? So be it!

Day 4 - My siblings

Monday, December 13, 2010
Kakak dan adik
kakak umur 21, seorang bakal cikgu haaa nice kn? hahha
adik lak bakal menghadapi spm 2011. go lil sis go

sepupu, abang, aku
sepupuku yang glamer hahahaa.. diploma in pengurusan pejabat (xsilap)
abang lak dah abes blaja dan dah keje pun. metalhead woowoo

ahhhh klasik

Day 3 - My parents

Sunday, December 12, 2010
okay pic ssh gle nk jumpe. nk kne go through 1 by 1 xlarat. ade pun xbrape nk clear.

tp sini ade description

emak saye cantik - ak ske tgk muke die
emak saye pemurah - slalu blanje ak makan
emak saye penyayang -

and the list goes on and on and on....

ayah pulak

penyayang - duit makan supposely cukup tp slalu bli bende merapu == ok pasni xbli dah
baik hati - sentiasa xnak sshkn orang.asik2 die hantar blek U ==
bertanggung jawab - bese ar ayah orang hahaha

list sambung gak. bende camni mane cukup klo nk tulis sume kn hahaha

Day 2 - My crush

Saturday, December 11, 2010

she's lovely. nothing much nothing less.


Day 1 - my best friend

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cake, Hamdi, Galuk, Me





da bnyk lg seperti kacap kasem katek waka joko dan yg sewaktu dengannye

30 things and mewithoutYou - The Fox, The Crow And The Cookie

starting from 8/12/2010
Day 1 — Your best friend
Day 2 — Your crush
Day 3 — Your parents
Day 4 —Your sibling (or closest relative)
Day 5 — Favourite quote
Day 6 — A stranger
Day 7 — Your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend
Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet
Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
Day 11 — Your favourite picture
Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
Day 13 — A recipe
Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from
Day 15 — The person you miss the most
Day 16 — Your hopes dreams and plans for the next year
Day 17 — Someone from your childhood
Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be
Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest
Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression
Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to
Day 23 — The last person you kissed
Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory
Day 25 — Your dream date
Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to
Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day
Day 28 — Someone that changed your life
Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror


good song
the vid is nice

a little bit about them

MewithoutYou (styled as mewithoutYou) is an American rock band from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The band consists of vocalist Aaron Weiss, guitarist Michael Weiss, bassist Greg Jehanian and drummer Rickie Mazzotta. MewithoutYou's music is generally dominated by spoken-word vocals and free-ranging drums, bass, and guitar.

The Weiss brothers are of Jewish descent and their songs use Jewish, Muslim and Christian imagery to explore spiritual themes. The Weiss brothers were raised in a Sufi Muslim household—their mother had converted from the Episcopal church, and their father from Judaism. Due to the Christian imagery in some of Aaron Weiss' lyrics, they have been categorized as a Christian band, although in interview, A. Weiss has stated he doesn't think they are a Christian band. Their lyrics reflect a personal relationship with God, and are not evangelistic. Other lyrical themes explored include suffering and self-doubt.

-From Wikipedia

Thursday, November 25, 2010
1. apa benda yang paling penting dalam hidup korang?
erk? bnyk.

2. benda terakhir yang korang beli guna duit korang sendiri?
gfx card kot woohoo

3. dimana tempat korang ingin melangsungkan perkahwinan dan tema perkahwinan korang nanti?
nak tema hardcore/metal scene pastu nk bt kat kelab CBGB. hahahha

4. adakah korang sedang bercinta sekarang?
ya. hangat. haha (xperlu ubah kot from who i copy. hahaha)

5. berapa lama korang akan mencintai kekasih korang?
until 2+2 is 3

6. dimana korang selalu jumpa kekasih korang?
ikut la kitorang kat mane time tu

7. novel / buku /majalah yang terakhir korang beli?
programming..buku tahun 2003 punye ==

8. apakah nama penuh korang?
muhammad fadzli bin zulkifili

9. antara mak dan ayah, yang manakah korang lebih mesra?
due2 ok...kot

10. namakan orang yang btol2 nak jumpa dalam hidup korang?
hidup ke mati?

11. adakah korang basuh baju sendiri?
kay u je kot...kat umah malas

12. dimanakah tempat betol2 korang nak pergi?
xbrape fikir pun

13. pilih salah satu. peluk atau cium?
nk cium mak, nk peluk abah

14. siapa yang korang sangat2 sayang dalam hidup korang?

15. lagu yang korang paling suka dan slalu dengar?
baby i'm yours

16. bila tarikh lahir korang dan katne korang sambut tahun lepas ?
30/9/1990 - kat mane...uitm kot

17. 6 orang blogger yang korang nak tag?
ok. ade sorang je yg akan bace. rasenye....


Monday, November 22, 2010


Saturday, November 20, 2010
i dont know. i like this song

thank you

Happy holidays

Thursday, November 18, 2010
Q: If I resided in clouds, would you come live with me?

A: as long as i'm with you, float high above all the cares in the world. i would